<-- Dec 2005                                                      Jul 2006 -->

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
It's Back! YAY!                    Thu Jan 19    General

 When one wishes to enter into the wonderous Repliforce you will be greeted by 
Cygnus, our lord and master. His abilities include accepting zany character 
ideas and responding to an e-mail two seconds after you've even thought of 
making it. 

 What Repliforce lacks, currently, would perhaps be numerous things with the 
overall statement of "Happy Players". 

 Happiness in Repliforce is a must! For without it our ship crashes, for it 
runs on happy thoughts. 
 Which would be bad. Since Neo Arcadia would eat our brains. 

 But if you want specific "Archtypes" to apply for then try: 
 Generic Soldier 
 Generic Medic 
 Generic Hacker 
 Stealth Specialist 
 Underground Capable Member 
 Roboticist and/or other type of Technician 

 In Repliforce we tend to socialize, shoot bad guys and repair the Fortress 
Five when people blow it up. Which happens a lot. 
 I blame the turkey.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/2                      Posted        Author
App Red Alert                      Fri Jan 20    Wind Crow
The members of Red Alert are badass and diverse. Let me introduce them to you:

Ride Boar. He's a mechanic. He's an awesome combat medic. And He can build all 
sorts of awesome stuff, including the Red Alert Hovercraft the Renegade. Plus? 
He's Mr. T. App him.

Splash Warfly. Pure underwater ownage who is funny and narcissistic--err, 
"self-confident and motivated". Not to mention he's got a rare attack type.

Soldier Stonekong. What can I say? Big giant mothofugga with a pure sword of 
ROCK! Be peaceful and own guys with your sword at the same time, I mean, come 
on. Sword of ROCK!

Snipe Anteater. Repliforce needs Hackers. Snipe Anteater is PWN with his 
Avatar. You will be loved; you will be adored; and you'll make General happy. 
And a happy General means a happy Repliforce.

Tornado Onion. The power of dance is strong with this one. Not to mention 
awesome chemical warfare. And hell, you'd have Gigabolt Man-o-war as your 
SQUISHY NEMESIS! Dance on for everlasting peace!

Vanishing Gungaroo. Are you /hardcore/ enough to app into Team Gungaroo? Are 
you bad enough to execute the TRIANGLE KICK!?! And hell, are you cool enough 
to use /custom ridearmours/!?!?! If so, you know who to app.

And last but not least, Flame Hyenard. He is THE most annoying Reploid ever. He 
is also one of the most amusing, and the smartest Ride Armour pilot aces you 
will come across. There's more than meets the eye here.


Sorry, couldn't resist :P

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/3                      Posted        Author
App Red Alert.                     Fri Jan 20    Red
Red Alert is the ultimate elite commando squadron of Repliforce. The most 
intense and warped squad ever. They have their quirks, but they stand head and 
shoulders above all else in sheer a**kickery.

App these fine young specimens of Reploid 
hem-weird-but-they're-immune-to-the-sigma-virus solider:
Splash Warfly: For when Jet Stingray just isn't enough. Beat the Jet at his own 
game! Undisputed lord of water and awesomeness.
 Tornado Onion: Chemical nightmare, dancing maniac, or cheerful lunatic? Yes.
 Ride Boar: Mechanic with an attitude. Hates water. And you.
Solider Stonekong: The Sanity of Red Alert. Wise beyond his years, calm, 
taciturn, unstoppable.
Snipe Anteater: Not just any hacker. The hacker. Snipe is every person you met 
online you hate... online. Offline, he's quiet... too quiet. Fear the Snipe.
Vanishing Gungaroo: Friendly. Brash. Cheerful. Personal Ride Armor. Secretly 
Flame Hyenard: The bane of Repliforce given life. Don't let things like Tact 
stand in your way. Who needs a combat victory when you can raise everyone 
around you to madness and anger without throwing a punch. Secretly the most 
intelligent Red Alerter. 1 Charisma.

Act now, and you'll also receive a Gate-family Membership card! RP with family 
members on both sides of the law, like:
Red: The Leader. Anime Cliche Badass. Planner. Commander. But whose side is he 
really on?
Wind Crow: The Second in command. Blunt, unforgiving, but cunning and tactical.
Hi-Max: The Younger(???) Brother, Repliforce's own GI-Joe, whose ties to Red 
Alert are unknown...
Shield Shellfish: Big Sis. The clam with the lasers, wise but quick to correct, 
loyal and determined.
Dr. Sarah Fairchild: Mom 1 of 2. The non-evil(??) one.
Berkana: Mom 2 of 2. Evil and twisted, and not actually Red Alert's mother 
(Except for Red).
Gareth: Mom 2's bodyguard. Loyal, decent drinking buddy.
Blaze Heatnix: Sister who means well, goes to extremes.

Plus, you'll get to deal with... the Evil Gatebots!
Gate: The G-Man himself! Went crazy! Hates you all. Destroy him!
Metal Shark: Necromancer!
Ground Scarab: Some kind of earth bug thing!
Gigabolt Man-O-War: Younger Bro! Silly! Psychotic!
Dark Mantis: Creepy younger brother! Likes cutting people in the face!
Avalanche Yeti: Another younger, evil brother!
Earthrock Trilobyte: What's with the damn earth bug things.
Lumine: Twisted psychotic oddly friendly brother /from hell/!

So App Red Alert. Because there are butts that need kicking.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/4                      Posted        Author
Evil Gates                         Fri Jan 20    Optic Sunflower
Sure, you can have heroic Gatebots, but the ones that /really/ count are their 
bad siblings to oppose them. I will expand on these interesting villains, as 
Red quite sadly did not. 

Metal Shark: Screws with people by using holograms to play with the dead bodies 
of their friends, and even attack them. A good Maverick for the mind game, 
thing, you can also swim in /sand/, which is really cool, as is wielding a 
giant anchor. 

Ground Scarab: The Indiana Jones of the Mavericks, Ground can have all sorts of 
adventures cracking security systems and treasure hunting. Be gruff and manly 
and have a moustache. Plus he's the only one with his own Katamari, rolling it 
with his feet. Roll up lots of stuff, puny Prince. 

Avalance Yeti: Still hasn't had a player! Yeti likes to mediate infighting 
rather than start it, which is good for all the freaks in the Coalition. He's 
kind but secretive and also has a temper, a very interesting character 
personality wise. Plus he can do the Shoryuken. 

Earthrock Trilobite: Earth can do all sorts of nifty things with those crystal 
walls. Has a funny sounding voice and an ego, but also be one of the biggest 
cowards in the Coalition! Also gets naked when his armor is knocked off. 

Bonus Char - Infinity Mijinion: NOT A GATEBOT. He turned Metal and Ground to 
the dark side. A rival of the good Gate family, Fini can devise all sorts of 
crazy weapons to hurt people with. He might even enjoy watching them being 
used! Has a whole bunch of clone bodies to swarm and annoy people with. He's 
also a water flea. App him and pair up with his former enemy-now-ally Gate and 
be a mad scientist!

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/5                      Posted        Author
Best Origin Evar                   Sat Jan 21    Shadow Man
History: "Fell out of Gate Man"

Recommended for Striders!

 < () > - Shadow Man

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
More Red Alert                     Tue Jan 24    Wind Crow
Want to actually get a proper look at what Red and I keep making such a big 
deal about? Now's your chance.


Now get apping!

[[missed posts]]

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
Plutarch                           Tue Apr 11    Nana

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled."
Originally constructed to serve as a librarian for Oxford University, Plutarch 
spent many of his early times immersed in all the knowledge the vast archives 
had to offer. Programmed with an insatiable thirst for efficiency, the reploid 
streamlined the process so well that he found himself with a great deal of 
extra time on his hands. Thus unoccupied, he turned his mind to mastering the 
technical aspects of the system under his control, becoming an adept hacker. 
He has ever since spent more time exploring than fascinating and chaotic world 
of cyberspace than managing his library. Being a self-taught academician, 
Plutarch has never felt much of a need for the same grandstanding and 
arrogance that much of the hacker community revels in, preferring to keep his 
own company. The resultant image of him held by hacker circles is that of a 
powerful and mysterious hermit, speaking only to a group of grayhats often 
called 'the Greeks' for the theme of their avatars. Hermit tendencies aside, 
Plutarch has since left Oxford to continue his quest for knowledge and 
self-improvement, now working with the Maverick Hunters as a systems security 

Avatar: a thin, gray-haired, toga-wearing older man, holding a great, sleek 
book, the kind only the word 'tome' can do justice to, which is the visual 
reprentation of his virtual 'toolbox'. Attack and defense consists of a 
phalanx of various Greco-Roman figures of note, particularly those described 
in the real Plutarch's /Lives/. High on strength, primarily melee-based. Has 
enhanced senses in both modes (super-keen librarian ears), generator in V (to 
represent his efficiency). Could be humanform or animal in real life; if the 
latter then something vaguely bookish and quiet, perhaps feline.
Note on personality: Secure in his competence but not overconfident. Always 
seeking to improve. Primarily concerned with his own interests, but not 
actively selfish. Always polite, but not afraid to make use of force to 
establish a point. Has a deep understanding of a great many subjects, but 
occasionally gets people wrong. Longtime friend of Magnificent Seven, and, 
like her, while essentially a good person, fits solidly into the grayhat 

Also, I'll be your friend forever and ever and ever. And /ever./

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/2                      Posted        Author
Strong Willful Hero                Tue Apr 11    Rock
Name: pick one
Quote: Some of us have to give up our freedom, so that others may know it.

An officer of the Repliforce, pick-name is everything that he was built to be: 
valiant, compassionate, and a tactical mastermind. A master swordsman and one 
of the most powerful soldiers on Earth, pick-name sees himself as the strong 
right hand of the Repliforce, willing to strike out and defeat their foes no 
matter the cost. Often grim and focused, pick-name lives his life in terms of 
battles, not the times between them. He is a warrior, and always shall be a 
warrior, bound by his own code of honor and his loyalty to the state. A firm 
believer in the philosophy that one cannot lead from behind, he feels that his 
place is on the battlefield, and his role is that of a commander, not a 
diplomat. This philosophy sometimes puts him at odds with pick-RF-CO, and the 
pair do not see eye to eye on every issue, pick-RF-CO's diplomacy and patience 
a counter to pick-name's own war-driven attitude. Extremely protective of his 
sister, girlbot, as she is one of the few people that can brighten his mood, 
he often finds himself at philosophical odds with her due to her beliefs and 
relationships, a situation that pick-name never enjoys, but sees as necessary 
guidance toward his younger sibling. In combat, pick-name wields a beam sabre 
with unparalleled skill, and can focus the blade's energy into electrical and 
sonic pulse attacks. He can teleport short distances, making him even more 
effective as a warrior.

Primary: Beam Sabre

Just a suggestion for a cool character. kthnx

-- Rock


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/3                      Posted        Author
Re: Strong Willful Hero            Tue Apr 11    Cygnus

        Not approvable, sorry. 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/4                      Posted        Author
Q Branch                           Tue Apr 11    Chico Muerte
Name: Dr. Zim
Faction: STARS
Function: Applied Sciences
Race: Human

Quote: "Do try to bring it back in one piece."

Profile: When STARS needs something built, from communications equipment to a 
new power armor to a specialized grav-chute, Dr. Zim is the man they see. Once 
a private contractor for Interpol, Dr. Bertrand Zim has built his own power 
armor, and officially joined the ranks of STARS. An older, refined man, he is 
a brilliant scientist and engineer, building everything from pocket-sized 
gadgets to giant engines of death. Despite his old age, he's got quite a few 
tricks up his sleeve outside of his armor - and inside the REX, he's a beast. 
Constantly working on his armor, as well as the other armors in STARS and the 
various cyborgs within the organization, he's known for constantly innovating 
new methods of fighting. He's an old time friend of Dr. Barrel Caskett, and 
mentored many of the best engineers of the Robot Wars.

Primary: Graviton Accelerator



============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/5                      Posted        Author
The League of Mean!                Thu Apr 13    Dr. Takeshi Shinchiro
League of >:(, League of Mean, Those Damn Kids And Their Music, skip it. They 
all want you! 

What we have: Decent credit with most of the other villain factions in the 
game. Fight as a mercinary for anyone, and do it while retaining your 
hederosexuality! Or don't! We don't judge! 

Being in a villain sub-faction that accepts every single species in the game, 
with the exception of those dirty Lizardbeasts of Neptune-Perciai Twelve. Our 
only requirement is class! 

A bitchin HQ shaped like Bass's head. It also has laser turret eyes, and is in 
the middle of a swamp. Also, the support of the Yakuza, the League's "parent" 
faction. (Okay, we're a part of the Yakuza, but not every League member needs 
to be a full Yak.) Finally, weird concepts R us. If its a jerk, it can be 

What we want: Fun loving players who want to play, well, supervillains. People 
who do bad things with style and pinache, and want to work with others of 
their ilk. The only thing that's manditory is a sense of humor. We also serve 
as the scabbed-over fist of the Yakuza-we run the full gammut of Super Mad 
Science to good old fashioned leg breaking. Also, I thought that Evil Living 
Building idea was cool. Someone app that. 

What you need to do: Send an app for "The League" or "Yakuza/The League" or 
"And I'm His Good Friend Takeshi Shinchiro!" in the faction part to the 
civilian box. Write it so that it does not cause Gemma's eyes to burn out. 
Chill with us and have fun being big jerks who steal little kids's report 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/6                      Posted        Author
World Class Assassin               Thu Apr 13    Chico Muerte
Name: Mr. Wilson
Faction: Yakuza
Function: Assassin.
Race: Cyborg

Quote: "Somebody's going to die today."

Profile: A serious, ruthless man, the assassin known only as Mr. Wilson has 
been a Yakuza assassin for decades. The only thing anyone knows about him is 
that he's an American. Clever, suave, and deadly, he's known for taking the 
hard or unpleasant jobs that no one will, from Repliforcers to little kids. 
Dark and completely evil, he is a god of death, perfectly suited to his chosen 
profession. It is whispered that he's ex-military, from his style and his 

Primary: Execution Style

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/7                      Posted        Author
Repliforce Babes                   Fri Apr 14    Cygnus

        We need a Web Spider, a Berkana, and an Option Yammark. Chop chop. 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/8                      Posted        Author
Re: Berkana                        Fri Apr 14    Shield Shellfish

        NO, we DON'T 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/5                      Posted        Author
Re: Re: Berkana                    Fri Apr 14    Shuseki Ijuin
They totally do. Not only does she throw down, but she is like Miss Supah 
Science for Repliforce. She also has this rather large extended family across 
-three- factions...even if most of them hate her guts.

And one other thing: Gareth. That man knows how to throw down like a champ.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/6                      Posted        Author
Aerospace Mavs                     Fri Apr 14    Storm Eagle
We are the few. The proud. Those dudes who can fly. But seriously, Aerospace is 
some of the Maverick elite - we're not regular soldiers, we're a flying army 
of our own, and you get to be under /my/ command! So:

Blast Hornet - Demolitions expert and /ghetto booty/. Blast Hornet is the queen 
of explosions and nasty, stylish fighter - while she may be arrogant, who 
/isn't/ in Aerospace?

Mach Jentra - drone commander! Ex-guerilla leader and businessman, Mach Jentra 
is a skilled asset to the Maverick cause, with many connections! Plus, he gets 
permission to command drone armies, even if he doesn't like getting his own 
hands dirty.

Morph Moth - a...look, I have no idea what he does, but he does it damn well. 
He's pretty, vain, arrogant...he /must/ be a good Aerospace member!

And that's not even counting OCs.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/7                      Posted        Author
Addendum                           Fri Apr 14    Storm Eagle
I have been informed that, in fact, Morph Moth is a tactician. He does tactics.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/8                      Posted        Author
Umbrella Concept                   Sat Apr 15    Pharaoh Man
Faction: Neo Arcadia (Umbrella)
Race: Cyborg
Function: Hunter/Killer

Note: An african american who struggled most of his life for academic success 
in order to break the cycle of poverty, this character joined the military to 
bankroll his schooling. The future seemed bright, that is, until the massacre 
at Normandy left him mutilated and near dead. 'Salvaged' by Umbrella Corp. and 
brought back from the brink, he was re-made into a cybernetic killer. All they 
asked in return? His undying loyalty in dealing with 'threats'. Eager to pay 
back the robotic life that 'ended' his, he uses a fully cybernetic arm to 
launch an assortment of missile weapons.

Primary: A Dream Deferred (EXPLOSIVE)

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/9                      Posted        Author
Re: Umbrella Concept               Sat Apr 15    Monolith
That's more standard NA. Umbrella does the biomonster hoedown.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/10                     Posted        Author
TP Idea                            Sat Apr 15    Chico Muerte
Name: Operation Stingray

Actors and actresses begin disappearing from Hollywood in droves, as the result 
of Robot Master raids. It is revealed that they are being taken to an 
artificial island called 'Stingray' in the South China Sea, where they are 
being forced to make a movie - Wily's grand cinematic achievement. Working 
under threat of death, torture, or the killing of relatives, they toil away 
under ridiculous conditions alongside the Masters, trying to make Wily's 
vision a reality. Can the heroes save Hollywood from bad taste?


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/11                     Posted        Author
...Clownin' Around...              Sat Apr 15    Sage Harpuia

        Long ago, there was a Clown.
        This Clown, he was a happy clown. He made children laugh. He had an 
award winning children's show. He was wealthy. He was making the world a 
better place. It was good.
        Then came the OTHER Clown. He was also a funny clown. But, he was a 
robot. With long, springy arms. He also made children laugh. Because of the 
Robot Craze, the other Clown soon fell into obscurity and was left alone and 
bereft, no longer able to make the children of the world laugh anymore.
        Then the Wars came. Horrors happened. Places he lived were destroyed. 
People he loved were killed. Even the other, springy-armed Clown got into it. 
The springy-armed Clown made a mockery of what it means to be a Clown. He 
killed many people in the name of a Madman.
        The First Clown survived them all. But the world was not a place for 
Clowns. He had no home, though. No way to pay the bills. No way to get food 
beyond the street. He was a very sad Clown.
        Having no where else to go, in the end he returned to his old friends, 
the company who employed him on his first show so long ago. They sheltered him 
then, didn't they? They'd have to Shelter him now.
        Umbrella did just that.
        Now... ...The Clown is back. But better now... oh so much better. He's 
forgotten his name and everything that he was before he was The Clown. Now 
he's just that... but more. He can /hurt/ people now. The Robots who stole his 
life. The Grown Ups who were the Children who Forgot him. He had power now. 
Power to stab. Power to rend. Power to kill. Power to hurt. Power to destroy.

        And how he laughs when they die screaming...

        The Clown laughs now. He's going to show them. Show them all. Make 
them hurt. Make them scream. ...Make them Laugh.

        Laugh, Clown. Laugh.

- Sage Harpuia

[[missed posts]]

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
MY BROTHERS                        Mon Apr 17    Gigabolt Man-O-War
Gate Bots. All of them, all pristine! ALL AWESOME. 

Red Alert: Elite Group of Awesome. I have no idea why there is only one apped? 
be apped. He will complete the circle of life for Red Alert to exist. 

X8 Mavericks/Gate Kids: The Wonderful thing about X8 mavericks, is that I'm the 
only one! No, really. I'm the only X8 maverick at all. They are new, Avalanche 
Yeti hasn't even been played yet. It would be great to have more awesome Gate 
Power in the Mavericks. As well, Repliforce defects without having to app 
through the defection process. Have the history without pulling a Fianait. 

Gate: WE ALL KNEW WHERE THIS WAS GOING. He's my daddy. He's INSANE. We need 
more Gate Power. 

And while we are at it. DR. DOPPLER: We even have a cool item for your evil 
plots. You too can kick butt while having a heart attack. Also: be daddy to 

 o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o< o<

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/2                      Posted        Author
Re: Brothers                       Mon Apr 17    Shield Shellfish

        Dream Team is cool too. :( 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/3                      Posted        Author
AAAAARGH                           Mon Apr 17    Dr. Wily
Name: Ikea Man
Faction: Irregular
Function: Lost Alpha
Gender: Male

Quote: Bork Bork Bork!

Profile: Slated to be one of the 7 original androids, Ikea Man was designed by 
Dr. Wily, Dr. Light, and Dr. Cain. Unfortunately, their plans for him were 
needlessly complicated, and after a month they threw him in a garage to gather 
dust. Years later, he was found by a hapless Swedish intern in Light Tower, 
who proceeded to construct him from scratch in 10 minutes. Ikea Man is 
confusing, nonsensical, and complicated. Repairs on him take needlessly long, 
ranging into two weeks downtime for each repair from knockout. He brings only 
suffering and misery to the world. After activation, he became confused, 
wandered around, and became decorative furniture in the Irregular Base. Most 
Irregulars are completely unaware that their dresser is in fact an android.

Primary Weapon: Square Peg Round Hole
Weapon Type: Blunt Misery
Buster Color: Birch Veneer
 _      __
|||Dr. ///

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/4                      Posted        Author
Reefer Madness                     Mon Apr 17    Hien
Name: Hippie Hemp
Faction: Irregulars
Function: Keeper of the Dro
Quote: "Just lay back and chill out, man."

Profile: Designed by a bio-roboticist living amongst a commune of hippies in 
Kansas, Hippie Hemp is a walking, talking cannabis plant, held together by 
metal and glass. Despite being an avowed pacifist, he is quite capable of 
defending himself, fighting with razor-sharp leaves, hemp ropes, and extremely 
potent smoke capable of incapacitating foes. He joined up with the Irregulars 
after his commune was destroyed by Crash Man, and is the Red Bomber's sworn 
enemy, Hippie Hemp dropping his pacifism to face his beer-guzzling foe. 
Hippies versus frat boys!

Primary: Reefer Madness


Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Chemical

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/5                      Posted        Author
Backdraft                          Tue Apr 18    Riot
Name Backdraft
Function: Firefighter
Faction: Civ, Repliforce, at a stretch Hunters.
Quote: "It's not a /real/ fire unless someone is trapped inside!... oh, theres 
one now. How do ya suppose he got all the way up there?"

Profile: Way too overeager for his own good, Backdraft was built by Head Gear 
robotics as a multi-purpose fire fighting unit. Not only is he equiped with 
the usual assortment of compressed water systems and directional water 
control, but also has access to built in flamethrowers, why? So he can flash 
burn firebreaks and firewalls in the paths of advancing forest fires to halt 
their advance. In addition to this he has a supply of shaped explosives which 
he can detonate remotely in order to snuff out fuel fires such as burning oil 
wells and natual gas lines by removing their source of oxygen in an instant. A 
fireman through and through, Backdraft almost seems too eager to do his job, 
and is let down by how other firefighters spend so much time just waiting for 
the next call, he gets berated for acting like 'he wishes there were people in 

Primary: Fire Break

Resist: He's a Firefighter, come on...
Weakness: Up for debate.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/6                      Posted        Author
Layer                              Wed Apr 19    Meddy

<Public> Awesome is for Zero says, "I thought about doing a recruitment post 
for Layer filled with non-subtle boob jokes."



============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/7                      Posted        Author
Rockman Dash: App Him              Wed Apr 19    Tron Bonne

        1. We're fighting Reavers.
        2. We're fighting Reavers.
        3. We're fighting Reavers.

        We need you Dash! ;.;

        Benefits: Be Dash! Adopted son of Barrel Caskett. Foster-BROTHER-in-law 
of Dr. Thomas Light. Rock and Roll's Foster Uncle. Mysterious Past! Have been 
kissed by Tron(by mistake)! Be the shining young star hero of S.T.A.R.S. Date 
Roll!(Maybe) Date Tron!(Maybe)
        Fulfill your purpose: Destroy All Reaverbots! Apply for Dash today!

-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/8                      Posted        Author
Addendum                           Wed Apr 19    Teisel Bonne
In addition to Dash, the following characters are also on the 'Bonnes will wuv 
you 4evar if you app' list.

Klaymoor - Be a grumpy walking tank with a bad back! Prod Bola into actually 
doing some work for once! Be deathly afraid of drill attachments!

Glyde Loath - He's a Mantastic Yak who is Tron's non-sexual life partner! Your 
very own Birdbot lackeys and the Glyder!

Denise Marmalade - If Dash is the star of S.T.A.R.S., Denise is 
the...uh...look, just app Denise.

Also, app Geetz 'cause no Geetz makes baby Sera cry.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/9                      Posted        Author
Glyde                              Thu Apr 20    Feste

Yes. Please app Glyde. Not only do you get unspeakable suaveness (suavity? 
suavitude?) and a huge armor, you also get to make me feel incredibly guilty 
at the drop of a hat. That, and I mean, come on, Glyde. Please?


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/10                     Posted        Author
Every Reason To App...             Thu Apr 20    Tron Bonne

        ...Glyde can be found in a single link.



-+-+ The Lego Queen Cometh! +-+-+ Tron Bonne! +-+-

[[missed posts]]

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
Because                            Sun Apr 23    Cryogenic Man

Name: Blue Triangle 
Race Type: E - Human 
AffiliationL: Neo Arcadia 
Function: Keeper Of Lesser Abominations/Umbrella Beasts 
Division: Umbrella 
Gender: Male 

Quote: "..." Screeeech screeech screeech "Hur hur hur..." 

Profile: Blue Triangle, who was originally named Henry Davis, was a carpenter 
in Neo Arcadia who was working on a new wing of the base while the Repliforce 
attack had first begun. Working up high on a ladder, he tried to hurry but his 
spotter left, falling towards the ground before being knocked out. Many 
thought him to be dead, but in fact he wasn't due to being shielded by some 
metal, mostly around his head, which kept that part of the body shielded from 
the initial shockwave and crushing debris. The metal ended up being ripped and 
torn into a triangle like point over his head. Blue, being his favorite color, 
was the color it was painted after wards. Now, he seeks revenge on repliforce 
for ruining his life, as well as his perfect face. His weapon, he carries by 
choice, is also a large double sided saw used for cutting down trees; 
manipulated for single person use. 

Primary: Cutting Down A Life 
Type: Blade

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/2                      Posted        Author
Dont Do It! Nooo!                  Mon Apr 24    General

 -> Stupid Char Idea post warning <- 

 Name: Sparkles 
 Race: E-Human 
 Faction: NA 
 Function: Helping Hand 
 Quote: "Chirri!" 
 Profile: Sparkles was a baby who, sadly, was at deaths door. The parents were 
horrified and pleaded with the Neo Arcadian doctors to do something, yet they 
could not. Finally the doctors pleaded to Ciel herself, who heard those cries 
and responded by calling upon the madness of Umbrella and her own genetic 
knowledge. Together they worked long and hard, changing the infant and 
converting it into what could only be called a biological cyber-elf. 
Bioluminescient skin and beautiful light wings make this small and youthful 
individual highly unique looking. Sparkles was also augmented in terms of 
mental maturity, resulting in a rapid growth to be on par with some teenagers. 
Sparkles is often seen flitting about, helping people by applying bandages and 
helpful little cheers. 
 Primary: Amnesia Dust

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/3                      Posted        Author
Re: Sparkles                       Mon Apr 24    Ciel
        There is absolutely no way, ever, that Ciel would ever do this to a 
child. While she'll experiment on consenting adult patients, she would never 
turn a baby into a monster, for any reason whatsoever.


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/4                      Posted        Author
Ninja!                             Mon Apr 24    Chico Muerte
Name: Kyuretsugi Miyamoto
Faction: Yakuza
Race: Cyborg
Function: Ninjon

Quote: "You will never see me coming."

Profile: A ninja tracing his roots to feudal Japan, Kyuretsugi Miyamoto's 
family has worked for the Yakuza for generations. A top quality assassin who 
works with a team of three - Shigami, the computer expert, Gekko, the 
demolitions expert, and Maka, the sniper. Kyuretsugi himself is a sword and 
martial arts expert. Working as a team, they can take down the mightiest of 
foes, all of them cybernetically enhanced, although Kyuretsugi is the 
strongest, and handles most of the fights. The entire team is honor-bound, 
seeing themselves as tools of the Yakuza.

Primary: Dragon Strike

This is a pretty unique, original concept, that Shyster had a while back. A 
ninja with three quasi-NPC team-mates that handle other stuff, and would 
justify hacking, as well as a few sniping and demolitions attacks.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
Web Spider                         Wed May 03    Dr. Psyche
Appp Itttttt ( A repost.)


[[missed posts.. a lot of them.]]

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
Re: Blast Hornet                   Fri Jun 16    Cygnus

        App her and find out if her booty is any bigger than Web Spider's! 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/2                      Posted        Author
Byte                               Sat Jun 17    Bit
So...you've always wanted to play a stereotypical Maverick, but Vile's always 
closed, and you don't want to write up an OC app? Don't despair! Now, for a 
limited time only, you can app Byte (while single stock lasts)! Be big, be 
fat, and have sumo wrestling with Violen! Be a part of the Godmachine Binary 
(I call dibs on the top half) and rival Magnet Man in magnetic manipulation. 
Club people with oversized fists or oversized bits of metal (just like the 
If Silver Horn and Vile ever had a kid, it'd be Byte. So go on, app him and 
make me a happy Bit.
-Commander Bit


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/3                      Posted        Author
Harpuia                            Mon Jun 19    Vile

        App Harpuia so that together we can make Cossack's life a living hell 
by reminding him how screwed up his family is. 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/4                      Posted        Author
Re: Harpuia                        Mon Jun 19    Albert Wesker
Don't forget Kalinka, either.
"Obedience Breeds Discipline, Discipline Breeds Unity, Unity Breeds Power, 
Power is Life."-Umbrella Corp.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/5                      Posted        Author
Sclera                             Mon Jun 19    Nana

Please app Sclera, the beautiful Irregular comm officer and a fellow hacker, so 
that I can do this:


You know you would do it.


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
Irregular Idea                     Thu Jun 22    Pharaoh Man
Name: Film (Animal)
Function: Surveillance

Profile: Originally built to be a one man technical team for the movie 
industry, this PC struck out on his own when his ideas for movies were shot 
down by the studio he worked for. Joining up with the Irregulars, he does 
surveillance work while 'experimenting' with assorted movie ideas and short 
films (sometimes without the permission of participants).

Primary: Ideally Some Sort of Timestopper. Also, must have a 'The Part That 
Makes Your Face Implode' attack. Yes, that is a reference.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/2                      Posted        Author
An Excellent Cobra Operative       Thu Jun 22    Chico Muerte
Name: Subwoofer
Faction: Neo-Arcadia
Function: Mobile Sonic Warfare

Quote: "This kid has funk / this kid has skill / this kid is fresh / he'll make 
the kill!"

Profile: Once a kid growing up on the mean streets of Detroit, Rasheed Bennet's 
entire life was changed when a Maverick attack leveled his neighborhood. He 
took up arms with Neo-Arcadia to avenge the deaths of his friends. He 
volunteered for the cyborg enhancement program, and was fitted with several 
miniaturized Kausmann weapons by Orion Corth. He now has seismal disruptors 
built into his hands, and speakers mounted over his body fitted with sonic 
devices capable of extremely heavy bass and deep vibrations. He has an 
affinity for rap music, which he blares across the battlefield, and 
occasionally is known to freestyle in the midst of combat.

Primary: Deep Thump OR Rapper's Delight

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/3                      Posted        Author
RF Idea                            Thu Jun 22    Templar Fefnir

Name: Energy Fox 
Racetype: Reploid 
Function: Reverse Weeaboo/Soldier 
Gender: Male 

Originally he was a cook named Flame Kyuubi at a restaurant in Japan popular 
with tourists. He could use his furnace to heat food or put on a show for 
customers. He was dissatisfied with Robot Master rule at the time and took up 
an interest in American culture to the point where it was an obsession. In a 
Master raid, he ended up getting his tails pulled off and humiliated; after 
this he joined the Repliforce, had his weapon systems changed and upgraded, 
and his name changed to Energy Fox. 

His battle skills mostly depend on the crystals on his body that produce energy 
barriers and pulse outward. He can use them to augment body 
blows/punches/kicks or scatter out globules like bullets. He can also pull the 
forcefield over himself and use the kinetic energy from enemy blows to 
generate (as well as do it on his own via his furnace). 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/4                      Posted        Author
RE: An Excellent Cobra Operative   Fri Jun 23    Orion Corth

        I approve my involvement in this project. Though whether Io would 
approve it is another story. 


============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/5                      Posted        Author
Re: An Excellent Cobra Operative   Fri Jun 23    Io
Hector Kausmann was, primarily, a vehicular designer and not a weapons guy. 
Sure, he might have made some weapons and devices here and there, but I 
wouldn't call his stuff in this field top-of-the-line. That is what Cerveau's 
Other than that, assuming the apped concept adds more substance to the 
character other than just how they fight, this doesn't seem like anything 
particularly stampable (in the rejected way).
Name aside, which is a no.

============================== Character Ideas ===============================
Message: 34/1                      Posted        Author
Regal                              Wed Jun 28    Dr. Wily
I can't understand why he isn't apped. I admit, he's different here from his 
Battle Network incarnation, sort of. Allow me to feed you some ideas. Keep in 
mind that all use of vaguely defined powers are subject to admin approval.

Dr. Regal has vaguely defined powers over the mind. The more vaguely defined a 
power is, the more powerful it is. Regal, for example, has the ability, given 
time and resources, to selectively alter a person's memories and glean 
information from them without fear of reprecussion. Regal isn't just a 
renowned Psychiatrist, he's an expert on memory, spin control, and public 
opinion. Namely, choosing the public's opinion. Probably skilled in sociology 
and many forms of control. Is he psychic? Nothing of the sort, purely science. 
The science of the brain, the science of reploid storage mediums... the 
science of making you forget where your keys are.

And in his family, science is a dangerous tool.

App Dr. Regal.
 _      __
|||Dr. ///

<-- Dec 2005                                                      Jul 2006 -->

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